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Don't forget to reference the: 

In January:

Please be ready to submit all documents for the INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION and Play Tech Form in January.  This includes email addresses for students participating in Senior Awards or the STO Applications, the full legal names of anyone 18+ years of age, and uploading the School Administration Permission and Teacher Decorum.  The One-Acts will be scheduled based on the  submission of the Play Tech Form.
To go to the DELEGATE REGISTRATION page, click this link:


This page will have MULTIPLE Forms that will need to be submitted to finalize a school's and its delegate's registration.

The Online Form for DELEGATE REGISTRATION will be available on December 11, 2024 and will be open through Thursday, January 17, 2025.  You MUST be able to submit credit card payment or a purchase order at that time.


DEADLINE TO SUBMIT Individual Registration and Play Tech Form is FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2025!


The First of February:

  • All applications and recommendations for Senior Awards and Student Thespian Officers must be submitted

  • All Thespy entries must be submitted to Open Water 

  • All names have been verified for name badges and background checks (18+ year olds)

  • Meal Tickets purchased

Before the Festival:

  • Teachers have in their possession Student Contract/Parental Consent/Health Forms

  • Four printed playbills for the One-Acts

  • Customized schedule for the school's delegates to know One-Act performance and/or Thespy sessions

All State Theatre button_edited.jpg

Click on the image for further details.

Deadline has been extended to Friday, Dec. 20

SC Thespians honoring Gold, Silver, and Bronze Troupes 

Scroll down for detailed information

Seeking nominations for    PDA Outstanding Educator of the Year 

Festival Registration Information

By the first of December:

Any school that would like to participate in the PDA/SC ITS festival must register by the December deadline. 


The School Registration online form is now closed.

Thespys Playwriting Entries submitted in December 

The Playwrighting Thespy entries must be submitted by Thursday, December 5.  Playwrights will have the option to have their scripts adjudicated for Thespys, the PDA Playwriting Competition, or both. Find more information on the Original One-Act page.

Seeking nominations for    PDA Outstanding Educator of the Year 

Please click the online form to find out what it takes to nominate.  DEADLINE EXTENDED: December 20, 2024

SC Thespians honoring Gold, Silver, and Bronze Troupes 

In order to recognize the hard work of the teachers and students in SC, the SC Thespian Chapter has established and Honor Troupe Recognition program.

There is no limit to the number of troupes that can apply or be recognized each year. 

The Honor Troupe Application is specific to the immediate past school year (2023-24) and points are awarded based on any and all work and/or activities that your troupe participated in throughout the last school year from August 1 - July 31.


Honor Troupe Application Point Breakdown can be found here.


The Application Deadline has been extended to Friday, December 20th.

SC Thespians
All-State Showcase 

Needing more information before you start with forms?  Go to the page with a TIMELINE and further details:

For detailed information and the forms, please refer to the following pages:

As plans are finalized, any festival updates will be posted here.

To navigate:                                           are Documents,                                         are online Forms, &                                    are webpages.

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are used for Archived Documents.

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