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The Basics of the PDA/SC ITS Festival:

If you are new to this festival and do not have someone guiding you through this process, this page will try to outline the process of being part of Palmetto Dramatic Association and SC International Thespians (frequently referred as PDA and SC Thespians).


For a timetable and checklist, open this document:



Background to the Festival:

PDA is solely a weekend festival to showcase theatre work produced across the State of South Carolina.  SC Thespians is part of a larger international organization and therefore events designated as Thespian have the opportunity to move forward to a national level.  Both groups want to maintain a separate identity because their missions are uniquely their own.  However, they both see the advantage of woking together so that SC high school students have an array of opportunities to share, grow, and thrive in theatre skills.  And let's be honest, theatre people just like to get together and celebrate!


If your school wants to participate in any portion of the festival, the school must register by the December deadline. 


You may choose to do only PDA or Thespian events but either way you will be filling out only one form each time.  The December registration is for the SCHOOL (fairly simple one page form) to be registered.  The January registration is for the INDIVIDUALS in your group to be registered. Depending upon in what your students choose to participate, the January deadline can be daunting.


Palmetto Dramatic Association

Events at the Festival (Time of Submission)

  1. One-Act Festival: published scripts presented in full production; 40 minute time limit included set-up, production, strike. Usually runs from Friday afternoon thru Sunday morning (January- Play and Tech Form**In order to reserve a specific production title, it is recommended that the title be submitted with the School Registration before December.

  2. Original One-Acts: Deadline for submission is in early December.  Top Three scripts presented in Reader's Theatre format on Saturday afternoon (December- Original One Act Form or School Registration Form)

  3. Blair Beasley Award of Excellence: Senior students may apply to be considered for this cash award for their work during the One-Act festival.  Top Ten applicants will participate in an interview session on Sunday afternoon. Up to three scholarships, valued at $1,000 each, will be awarded. (January- Blair Beasley Application and Blair Beasley Teacher Recommendation)


SC Thespians

Events at the Festival (Time of Submission)

  1. Playwriting Thespys: A competition for playwrights to submit a short play.  Deadline for submission is the same as the PDA Playwriting competition.

  2. Chapter Select Performance: For schools wanting their one-act to be considered for the National ITS convention in June, the one-act must be presented during the PDA One-Act festival.(January- Delegate Registration)

  3. Thespys: A competition for solo, duet and group performances as well as film productions, and technical/design portfolio/interviews. Several possible events- each student is allowed to be in only two events. Events will occur from Friday afternoon through Saturday evening. (January- Delegate Registration)

  4. Student Thespian Officers  are open to Sophomores and Juniors who are active Thespians. Students will be interviewed at this year's festival to be chosen as officers for the next festival (January- STO Application)

  5. Senior Thespian Auditions are open to Seniors who are active Thespians. Up to $2,500 in scholarship money will be awarded. Auditions will involve uploading a video in OpenWater. The top candidates will be interviewed at the festival.  (January- Sr. Thespian Audition Application Upload)

Deadlines for the 2024 Festival

(These dates are tentative for now,  but give estimated due dates)

  • Monday, September 25, 2023- Intent to Participate OPENS  (Can submit the title of your One-Act at this time. The Title is reserved with School Registration payment or submitted Purchase Order)

  • Thursday, December 7, 2023- PDA Original One Acts and/or Playwriting Thespy Entries submitted ELECTRONICALLY for Consideration 

  • Thursday, December 7, 2023- School Registration CLOSES- Schools attending the February festival must submit by this time

  • Thursday, December 7, 2023- PDA Outstanding Teacher nominations and Honor Troupe applications must be submitted to be considered for recognition at the 2024 Festival.

  • Thursday, January 18, 2024- Delegate Registration is due along with Thespys Categories, Scholarship Application AND One-Act Play Tech Form

PLEASE BE ADVISED: In order to meet the January deadline, we recommend that the students have an earlier deadline for PAYMENT and participation in the singular student events- Thespys, STO, Portfolios, and Scholarships (either before Winter Break OR 10 days before the January deadline).

  • Thursday, February 1, 2024- All individual event forms must be submitted.  This includes Senior Awards, STO Applications, and ALL THESPY entries into OPEN WATER.  If a school is going to use Meal Tickets, those must be purchased at this time as well.


If you have gotten this far and want to be

part of the festival, open this document:


For schools that are definitely going to participate, sponsors may also want to print out the Delegate Registration Worksheets to see what will need to be gathered from the delegates before the January deadline.  Remember: as the sponsor, you can limit what your students do at the festival so that you are not overwhelmed your first time.  The Worksheets can be found on the Delegate Registration web page: 

(Will be available by mid-November)

© 2025 by Palmetto Dramatic Association & SC Thespians. Proudly created with

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