The following links give an overview of the guidelines and rubrics that guide the Thespys competition. Click on the link and you will be directed to the EdTA ITS Thespian website.
Any delegate of the PDA/SC ITS festival may participate in the Thespian workshops and Thespys competition. However, only current members of the International Thespian Society may move on to the National competition if receiving a Superior. There are new guidelines and rules about what selections students may use for their performance pieces.
Teachers and students are expected to know these new updates and understand that disqualifications may happen BEFORE adjudication if the rules/copyright terms are not followed.
Entries in the Thespys Playwriting category will be submitted at the same time as the PDA Original One-Act Competition. Deadline is Thursday, Dec. 5. ​
Short Film entries, as a YouTube link, must be uploaded into Open Water to be considered for Thespy Awards. Deadline is February 6.
Student Thespian Officers are open to Sophomores and Juniors who are active Thespians. Any Inducted Thespian is eligible to apply for a role as a STUDENT THESPIAN OFFICER (STO). There is a cap of three applications per school. Interested students must fill out the online application (sent to the student after Delegate Registration via email)and must be registered to attend the PDA/SCITS Festival in February with their school for the current and following year.
Note: With the STO Application, the email address for the Teacher, School Counselor, and Parent must be added to the Delegate Registration for the correct links to be sent to those individuals who will need to finish the application.​​